Saturday, July 18, 2009

Behind The Scenes

This poem was written by someone I follow on Twitter.

His website can be found here: InnerCircle Publishing
He has much to say, and if you listen, you can learn.

I particularly relate to these words:

sometimes, it would be easier not to know
just how deep the rabbit hole goes

And these:
sometimes, I wish I didn't know,
but most times, I wish
more people did.

Behind The Scenes

Sometimes it's hard to keep
from laughing at the lies ...
other times it's hard to keep
from crying over the cover story
employed to keep
pubic eyes
from prying any deeper
than this surface level bullshit
that's being shoveled
hand over fist

into our wide-open

swallowing propaganda
like it was Ibuprofen
we'd take for a headache ...
but no aspirin cures
point-blank bullet holes
left in the head by the
exit wounds of FAUX News
stories spewed from the mouths
of mocking birds chirping
the AP party-line.

'They Report ... You Comply!'

sometimes, it would be easier not to know
just how deep the rabbit hole goes,
sometimes, I wish I was able to buy into
'the good guys and the bad guys'
paradigm of east vs. west ... as opposed
to understanding that both
the Right and the Left
are merely

of the government
by the government
for the government

of the machine
by the machine
for the machine

selectively chosen
to ebb and flow
the whole course of humanity
toward THEIR
intended destination

slavery without chains

a master plan made to order
with all the ingredients of a
police state to arrest the chaos
they make ... and blame on others

how many hi-jackers does it take
to get NORAD to stand down?

not 1, not 19 ...

there is not a Muslim-islam-o-fascist-cia trained-jihadi-operative
in Florida, Pakistan, or Iraq that can
get NORAD to 'stand down'
for hours ... no Israeli Mossad agent
with the 'ways and means' to keep
every F-16 off playing
war games while
'real world' exercises
are being executed

ps (y) op

how many Bin Ladens have to be created
before you're scared enough to die ...
just to remain safe from
the dangers THEY orchestrate?

that's how many will occur ...

sometimes, I wish I didn't know,
but most times, I wish
more people did.

Chad Lilly 2009


Do yourself a favor and watch these before you go:

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