12/25/2006 10:21 PM They're known as cell phone towers, because that's what those who planted them there want you to believe. Some of them may have legitimate functions, but that would likely be a minority. There are people who can literally see energy, and they tell me that the energy they see emanating from those towers is black and repulsive. It is life-negative energy.
These towers are often powered by an on-site generator that runs of natural or bottled gas. Sometimes you will see one with no obvious external power source. Look closely. See if you can find heavy cables coming from underground and going up the tower to the panels. Those towers will be powered by an underground source that is likely nuclear, and contained in an underground base. When you see that, then you know you have more than one problem. We'll discuss underground bases another time. For those of you who are not familiar with their existence, search the 'net for Phil Schneider. He was the authority on their existence and construction until he was killed by a black ops team. And if you're really concerned and want to take action, e-mail me. I will tell you what can be done.
The black energy that comes from these towers carries a frequency, or a select group of frequencies, depending on what the operators expect to accomplish. Almost any dark agenda can be initiated or enhanced by these towers. Mind control is one of their functions. They are numerous enough in the large and medium cities to affect everyone who lives or passes through there. The effect is to keep the people in a state of mental numbness where they will accept or at least not protest any overt move by the government, no matter how disruptive or destructive, or how much freedom is taken from them.
This is just the baseline of effect. These frequencies produce a mental numbness and a state of acceptance that makes the manipulated population receptive to other suggestions. Some towers have panels, and those panels are movable, and can be focused. With the proper frequency, they can produce symptoms of disease in a selected part of the city. The people get sick, the FEMAggot doctors move in and diagnose it as whatever the current frightening disease is supposed to be. Quarantine and martial law follows that, and mandatory vaccinations are imposed. The vaccinations are disease vectors themselves, not to mention a chip delivery system.
At will, they can cause riots. At will, they can increase the incidents of heart attack or other major malfunction. At will, they can induce road rage or bend your mind to do stupid things, like vote for George Bush. Get the picture?
Ever wondered why there are almost no public demonstrations against the war? We get some, but it's nothing like what was going on in the sixties. In the sixties, we didn't have towers. Today, we have towers which are reinforced by subliminal messages on TV. The subliminal messages on TV are made more receptive by the fluoride damage done to your brain.
The mental and physical health of the population has been compromised by all the above. So here come the spray planes with their barium and aluminum and diseases. The spray comes out, gets into the air and water, the electrons do their dance of death, and people seek medical attention. Those who don't seek medical attention rely on over-the-counter medications that are themselves life-negative in nature, and set up receptor sites in the brain for subliminal manipulation. It is all a mutually reinforcing operation.
The payoff for the perpetrators is a totally malleable population which they view as an owned resource, much like a herd of cattle. It's time to thin the herd, but they can't do as the cattlemen do and send the excess animals to market. Their plan is to make them sick, suck up all the money from insurance and medicare, and then get paid to bury them after all their resources have been spent on care and treatment.
This is, as I said, a tutorial. First, you become familiar with the problem. I'm not here to induce an 'ohmigodwhatarewegonnado' response.
To define a problem is to limit its power. Next step is to shut them down. I will tell you how.
Dragon |